Miaou Channel [English]

Welcome! To Miaou’s cats room.

If the cat is not on the main camera, they may be on another live camera such as “Tower” “Cat House 1 or 2”.

You can check all cameras on Miaou channel’s home

Don’t forget to subscribe!


【About a channel member】

This Channel Member is for the expanding activities which is related to the coexistence of humans and animals(cats etc.).

  • Through the Live, please think together about “Responsibility to breed the pet till they pass away” and coexistence with the animals.
  • Establish and operation of protection shelter for animals who have lost their place to go.

Thank you for your cooperation.

When you become a member, you’ll gain certain benefits.

  • Can see the daily video of the cats room at “Members only community” (posted irregularly).
  • Can use Member-only Emoji(Cats picture).
  • Sometimes cat’s diary video is released earlier than normal.

※ Non-members also please enjoy the Miaou channel as usual.

※ If you are a member, please think that few enjoyments are increased.

Thank you.

【Become a channel member from iphone.】

There are people who entered by PC from Google Chrome and become member.

You can search on YouTube web version from Chrome’s app, and click “…” below to request PC version. Please try it.

【About Miaou’s Cats Room Live】

Miaou’s Cats Room Live began in 2015.

I(Miaou) lost the protect kitten some years ago. So, observes and records the actions of the cats so that the same thing does not occur repeatedly and make it possible to discover problem , such as the cat’s illness, at an early stage.

Released live from 2015.
Since then, we can detect illness etc. early, appropriate treatment can be done.

The Cats Room Live is for Checking the health condition and behavior of the cats from out of the room, and if there is something, Miaou can handle it speedily.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Cats Room Live is basically broadcasted 24 hours a day, 365 days, but may have following cases.

◯ During cleaning time.

Twice a day,Checking the health condition of the cats and cleaning the room for 2 to 4 hours.

◯ When Live is offline.

Every day, Live will stop for the maintenance of the Cats Room until 15:00 to 19:00 in Japan time. Moreover, Live may be interrupted due to system malfunction etc.

The Cats Room is a private room (cat-only room) of Miaou(Owner).
Depending on situation, Live may be stopped.

Consider for the neighbor, normally sound isn’t on but After 22:00, sometimes it’s on.

Except for special situation, Miaou will come to take a simple medical checkup and communicate with the cats.
Basically it is a fixed camera, but during the visit of Miaou,the camera angle will change.

Can watch the communication between Miaou and the cats, but it is irregular.

Although it is irregular as well,but there are certain rules as follows.

◯ Snack time (Churu etc.)

Every Thursday and Sunday, Mainly Night time.

◯ Brushing time

Every Tuesday and Friday, it’s rare to brush during the Live time because I often do while cleaning time.



Miaou is observing and recording the behavior of the stray cats in a specific area of Japan, the relationship with human society from around 2013.

As the above-mentioned activity expenses, put advertisement to public videos and 2015 Live since the establishment of the channel in 2014, and original goods sale is also carried out.

All profits of the YouTube channel/Official net shop is used for the activities expense to think and to take action for the coexistence of humans and animals.
  • Activities related to cats

    Survey and protection of the actual situation of Japanese stray cats · Training to cultivate the social nature of kitten · Search for foster parents etc.

  • Live distribution through YouTube, to convey interest and understanding about animal protection and proper breeding.

  • Fund for newly establishing protective facilities.

I appreciate your understanding.

If you can acknowledge it, please check the title “cat’s diary” of the public video too.

Cat’s diary playlist. * click here if you want to know how to watch in 2x speed.

I would appreciate your continued support.


About Live Camera

There are three other Live Cameras in the cat’s room.

If the cat is not on the main camera, they may be on another live camera such as “Tower” “Cat House 1 or 2”.
Cats are lively and fickle creatures. They may not always be in front of the camera.

Subscribe to my channel.You can see the new Live delivery immediately!

Official net shop : http://www.catsroom-miaou.shop/

Miaou’s official website : http://www.miaou-jp.com/

twitter : https://twitter.com/Catsroom_Miaou

instagram : https://www.instagram.com/Catsroom_Miaou/

【More about the Live】

We are broadcasting the life of the cats as it is.
If you are planning to live with a cat (animal) in the future, I hope that the cats room live stream will be a reference as an image of life with a cat.

Our cats room will grow with everyone, fulfilling the duty as owner such as “Responsibility to breed the pet till they pass away” ” and ” Measure of restricting reproduction”, and making the cats room life more fun.

It would be nice if this Live broadcast will make the people who are planning to living with a cat(animal) or who lives right now, to think about “Owner’s duty” once more.

【About Banned words of the chat and comment】

  1. This【Miaou】channel does not force the way of thinking about the animal protection at all.
    Comment which force the way of thinking about animal protection is prohibited.
  2. Promotion of other sites is forbidden.
  3. Words that slander others, discrimination terms are forbidden.

【Notes on the use of live chat】

Please considerate for not buried the questions when at the time of Q&A.
■ Greetings to cats
■ Greetings + information etc.

The unspecified number of people are also watching live chat.
Please use with content that others do not feel uncomfortable.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.



【Miaou Channel】

Every day, new videos are released at 12:00.
Growth records of adorable protective cats.
Cute, interesting, heart-warming scenes, and sometimes unexpected things happen.
You can also see the Live of the cats room ( broadcast irregularly ) with no humans nearby.

Mi-ke ( Calico cat , female ♀ ; May,2014-)
Kuro ( Black cat , male ♂ ; October,2014-)
Chipie ( Light gray tabby cat , female ♀ ; April, 2015- )
Mimi (Gray tabby cat, female ♀ ; April, 2015- )
Maya ( Red and white tabby cat , Male ♂ ; April,2016-)
Luca ( Abyssinian red cat , male ♂ ; January 16, 2017-)
Mer ( Abyssinian ruddy cat, male ♂ ; January 16, 2017-)
Lana ( Tortoiseshell cat, female ♀ ; July, 2017- )


Looking for more Cat’s details? Click here.




The encounter with the calico kitten.

Blog 三毛猫の仔猫との出会い


The encounter with the Black kitten.

Blog  くろもみけに甘えます

Chipie and Mimi

The encounter with Chipie and Mimi.

Blog  しぴ 本格的に夏到来
Blog  みみ みみのブラッシング


The encounter with Maya.

Blog  まや トンネル工事を終える

Luca and Mer

The encounter with the Abyssinian cat brothers

Blog るか  アビシニアンるかと遊ぶ。お手に挑戦
Blog める  猫の不思議な行動【まや・める】



The encounter with Lana.

Blog らな  今度はくじらを散歩に連れて行った
  1. 3. しぴ【薄灰-トラ猫】

    アビシニアンるか 猫ベッドで初めての猫団子
  2. 5. まや【茶白】

    まやのカミフミ一本!冬のダイジェスト 〈前編〉
  3. 5. まや【茶白】

  4. 1. みけ【三毛猫】

  5. 6. るか【アビ-レッド】
